For students in
grades 6 through 12.
Sunday Evening
Student Worship:
Meets in “The Well”
6:00pm – Large Group Worship
7:15pm – Small Groups
8:00pm – Wrap Up
Announcements for Parents:
(Sign up to receive announements by clicking “Join Class” below!)
The purpose for Westwood Students is to lead students to treasure Jesus as supreme in every area of their lives.
We believe that… Know + Be + Do = Authentic.
In other words, as increased knowledge of God grows roots into the heart, inward transformation leads to the renewed outward expression of life. This is truly a picture of authentic Christianity! And that’s the kind of life we desire for our students to experience.
We want to lead students to treasure Jesus as supreme by…
Treasuring Truth (Know – Grounded)
We desire for our students to treasure truth, which means treasuring God’s Word and viewing it as authoritative for every area of life. Our hope is that they would develop skills for properly interpreting and applying the Scriptures and develop a love for the pursuit of God through his Word.
Treasuring Relationship (Be – Growing)
We desire for our students to treasure a relationship with Jesus, which means coming to recognize Jesus as their deepest identity. Our hope is that they would develop certain disciplines that will help them grow deeply in this relationship for the rest of their lives.
Treasuring Mission (Do – Going)
We desire for students to grow in understanding who God has created them to be, as well as who he is restoring them to be in redemption. Our hope is that they become actively engaged in the mission of God and begin to discover the spiritual gifts God has given them through his Spirit so that they may serve him for a lifetime.
Partnering with Parents
We desire to create a pathway of discipleship for parents and Westwood to walk in partnership. One of the ways we do this through our student ministry is by laying out a curriculum for parents to use with their children and with other families along the way! To see an overview of the resources we have selected for this curriculum, click here. You can also find weekly follow-up posts and important announcement updates at our student ministry blog.
For more information about Westwood Student Ministry, please contact Jason Engle at jasonengle@me.com.