Sep '19

Week of September 22, 2019
Sep '19

Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How does the attitude displayed by Paul in v. 22-24 fly in the face of both the attitude of our collective culture and our own natural tendencies? What has to happen in a life to come to exude this sort of attitude?
- A huge aspect of Paul’s ministry was his desire for others to SEE IN HIM a pattern to follow. Why is this a key aspect to making disciples? Is this thought convicting to you? If so, why?
- How does this week’s message and passage compel you to pray for your pastors and elders? How might you seek to encourage them? How does this passage instruct you as to how to pray for them?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?
Sep '19

Week of September 15, 2019
Sep '19

Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How does gospel encouragement differ from the world’s definition of encouragement? What are the ill effects from bringing the world’s version into the life of the Body?
- In what ways must we be growing as individuals in order to be equipped and ready to offer gospel encouragement? Are you currently walking in this way?
- Can you recall and share about times in your life when you received true gospel encouragement?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?
Sep '19

Week of September 8, 2019
Sep '19

Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How does this week’s passage/message help us understand what gospel confidence looks like for a believer living in exile? How does that confidence shape how we live in and react to the culture around us? How is your gospel confidence in light of what you’ve learned?
- Two vitally important aspects of walking with the Lord as an exile is abiding in the Word and consistent confession. How are you implementing these two aspects in your own life? Is it time for a renewed commitment in these areas?
- In light of Sunday’s message, can you identify anything in your own life that prevents you from treasuring Christ supremely? Can you say that Jesus is getting the best of your focus, attention, and affections? What stands in the way of that?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?
Aug '19

Week of August 18, 2019
Aug '19

Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- Have you given much thought to what has shaped your current worldview? If you were to take some time to consider that, what would you expect to find? How would it look differently if it were more biblically shaped?
- How did this week’s passage and message help you understand what your posture toward the surrounding culture should look like? What are you compelled to do in response?
- Why is it important to not only have a solid understanding of the gospel, but also a solid understanding of the audience (whether 1 person or more) when attempting to share the message of the gospel with them?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?