Week of March 28, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [BE]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- What does this vision of the ongoing reality within the throne room of the Lord reveal about our identity and function as worshipers? How should what’s going on constantly there shape the way we view our lives daily here?
- What effects should such a vision have on us as we approach the celebration of Resurrection day?
- What aspects of God’s character and splendor draw you to praise and worship him? Where do you see these attributes in the Scriptures?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of March 21, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [BE]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- If God ultimately preserves the Christian, how can believers keep themselves in the love of God? What part do we play in that perseverance?
- How does this passage prove the vital importance of praying in the Holy Spirit? How does our confidence in the ability to steward and abide in the truth relate to our fervency in prayer?
- What does it look like to be merciful to someone, even while being careful to not be defiled by them? What does it look like to be merciful to someone who is struggling with doubts, or who has expressed false truth or beliefs?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of March 14, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [BE]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- From the message on Sunday, how would you define what “lukewarm” would look like in our own context today? How did the apparent prosperity of this church’s culture contribute to this condition, do you think?
- What is the proper response when the Lord exposes spiritual immaturity or disobedience in our lives?
- How is it that discipline (in an accountability sense) is actually a sign of love? In what ways is discipline a gift?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of March 7, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Revelation 3:7-13
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]:
Spend some time today doing the following:
- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How would you describe a church that could be referred to as “a Great Commission Church”? How would you describe a life that could be referred to as “a Great Commission life”?
- What encouragement does this passage offer to churches that might seem “small” in their influence? How does a focus on Jesus’ awesome-ness overcome and change such a self-assessment?
- How does this passage encourage the church as it faces increased opposition and pressure from its surrounding culture?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?