Week of August 21, 2022

- What is one thing you either learned, gained greater clarity on, or were profoundly reminded of through this study of Ephesians? How has this helped you in your walk with Christ?
- If you were to shape 2 or 3 prayer points from the letter of Ephesians for other brothers and sisters to pray for you personally, what would they be? What would be 2 or 3 prayer points from the letter that you would want to pray for our church family?
- If you were to point to one passage in this letter to write down and physically keep in front of you for the next little while, what would it be and why?

Week of August 14, 2022

- How does the phrase “members of one another” from 4:25 help us understand into what this community of faith we call the local church ought to be? How does it help us better understand the function of each of our church’s programs (Corporate Worship, Sunday School, Life Groups, Student/Children’s Ministries, Men’s/Women’s Ministries, etc.)?
- How does Paul, not only here but throughout his New Testament writings, offer an example for how we should live with open lives toward one another? What are some of the greatest hindrances to that, and how can neglecting this affect the community we share?
- How does intentional life in the body help us to grow in peace, love, faith, and grace, and how does it offer the opportunities to measure how we are growing in those areas? How can a lack of intentional life in the body stunt or inhibit growth in these areas?

Week of August 7, 2022

- How does Paul’s description of the armor of God combined with this call to prayer help us better understand prayer? How do the two descriptions go together, work together?
- How do you think a deeper comprehension of the spiritual war raging around us would affect our prayer life? How do you think it would affect how and how often you asked others to pray for you, personally? Focusing on your own spiritual needs presently, how would you ask members of your Life Group to pray for you right now?
- If you were to write a prayer guide using v. 10-17, what would you include? Would you commit a timeframe in the near future to consistently prayer through this guide? How can your Life Group do that together and encourage each other as you do?

Week of July 31, 2022

This Week’s Passages: Ephesians 6:13-18
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
- What has continued to stay with you from this week’s passage and message? What did you leave feeling most compelled to do? What is the tangible first or next step?
- How do we balance the objective aspects (what is true of God and about us in Christ) of this armor with the subjective (how we live in light of those truths)? What is your greatest struggle in this?
- What was your response to the final question from the message? Have you noticed specific ways in which you have grown more comfortable wearing and battling in this armor? In what ways do you desire to grow more comfortable?