Week of November 1, 2020

This Week’s Passage: Psalm 119:121-136
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:I never knew…I was reminded…A question I still have…I was challenged…I was convicted…A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]Spend some time today doing the following:

  1. Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
  2. Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.

Tuesday [Be]:

In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:

  1. Read the sermon passage again.
  2. Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
  3. Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.

Wednesday [BE>DO]:

Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.

  1. How are we most prone to change the true idea of what it means to be servants of the Lord so that it fits our own preferences and desires for our lives? How does this passage challenge that? What is key in combatting this?
  2. What is the most difficult aspect of being a servant of the Lord even in trusting him in (a) the direction of things happening around me, and (b) the timing of things? Why should a reminder of our identity as servants encourage us and provide hope?
  3. What do we learn from this passage about how our identity as servants of the Lord should shape the way we pray?

Thursday [DO]:

In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
  1. What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
  2. How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?


Week of October 25, 2020

This Week’s Passage: Psalm 119:113-120
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
  1. Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
  2. Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
  1. Read the sermon passage again.
  2. Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
  3. Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.

Wednesday [BE>DO]:

Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.

  1. What are some the most influential aspects of our culture that are prone to draw us into doublemindedness? In what ways should we guard against this?
  2. Which point from the sermon concerning the outcomes of singlemindedness resonated most in your own heart and why?
  3. How does a lack of a fear of God result in a lack of clarity in the way we both perceive and interact in our world? What is the connection between the two?

Thursday [DO]:

In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
  1. What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
  2. How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?


Info for Sunday Night (10/25/20)

Brett Carver will be joining us tonight for our Student Worship time. We have committed to help run the elementary club coming up on Saturday, November 14. That will take place on that day from 10am to 3pm. He will be sharing about that day and how he would like for us to serve. It will be a great challenge and time of equipping, regardless of whether students will be able to help that day or not. But I will also be getting commitments from those who can tonight. So please discuss whether or not your student(s) can commit tonight prior to coming. Parents are invited to come volunteer, too! Tonight, EVERYONE will share in planning some aspects of that day.
After Brett shares we will have a longer small group time. Since we will not have a message, small groups will spend some time working through a bookmark that I’ve given out walking through 6 elements that go into answering the question “How is your soul?”
I’ll send out a follow up tonight to remind you to walk through those 6 elements with them and follow up on their discussion throughout the coming week!


Week of October 18, 2020

This Week’s Passage: Psalm 119:105-112
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
  1. Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
  2. Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
  1. Read the sermon passage again.
  2. Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
  3. Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.

Wednesday [BE>DO]:

Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.

  1. How have you experienced internal darkness this week, as a sinful human being?
  2. How have you experienced external darkness this week, living in a fallen world?
  3. What does the Light of the World have to say about that darkness in his Word? Be specific in how Scripture applies to your situations.

Thursday [DO]:

In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
  1. What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
  2. How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?


Parent Follow Up (10/18/20)

Kelli Recicar led our time of prayer tonight. We focused on praying for Rachel, but she did an excellent job of helping the students understand what it looks like to prayer Kingdom prayers. She borrowed from a definition offered by Chris Schofield that reminds us that when praying Kingdom prayers, we are praying that God would be glorified as we pray in accordance with his will and purposes. I want to encourage you to follow up with your students this week about this. Ask them to define what it looks like to pray Kingdom prayers. How do we often pray? Is that in accordance with the Kingdom?
Tonight in our message and in our small groups we focused we continued our series entitled “Awake and Aware” through portions of 1 Peter. Building our our look at our new identity from 2 weeks ago, tonight we went on in 2:9b-12 to see what Peter exhorts us to do out of that new identity: “…that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Ask your students to recap for you what we learned as we explored the text together. Here are some questions for reflection that you can use this week for further conversations as well. As always, I love you and am praying for your families this week!

*In your own evaluation, what would prevent you or hinder you from being an effective spokesperson for the Kingdom?

*What is your life most communicating to those around you about what is truly important and to be treasured?

*Have you truly experienced this element of testimony by Peter, can you give testimony of what it is to be transferred from the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of Jesus?

*What in your life proclaims to those with whom you spend the most time the excellency of Jesus? What would those who watch your life most closely know about Jesus from watching your life?

*How are you currently seek to battle against sin? How is that battle going?


Week of October 11, 2020

This Week’s Passage: Psalm 98-104
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
Sunday [KNOW]:
In a journal, reflect on today’s sermon by finishing any or all of the following:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
Monday [KNOW>BE]
Spend some time today doing the following:
  1. Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
  2. Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
  1. Read the sermon passage again.
  2. Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
  3. Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.

Wednesday [BE>DO]:

Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.

  1. How does Gerald’s illustration of developing the same tastes as our heavenly Father help you better understand what wisdom is?
  2. How have you seen wisdom shaped in your own life through the years? What have been the factors, the process?
  3. Why is a developed taste for God’s Word so important to our seeking wisdom through it? How do we go about developing that taste? How have you seen that taste developed in your heart recently?

Thursday [DO]:

In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
  1. What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
  2. How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?